Thrilled to see Locked-in featured on today!
BPF OPEN16 SOLO Shortlist Showcase
I just returned from a day visit with the family to Brighton which hosts this month the Brighton Photo Fringe. As I had mentioned when I shared the interview I did for the BPF, I’m very honoured to be part of the OPEN16 SOLO Shortlist Showcase at the Brighton Phoenix and the Outdoor Hub along with 19 other artists.
While visiting the SOLO Shortlist, I asked two people if I could take their spot for a second to take a picture of the projection of my work on the wall. As it happens, Frankie and Ian are teaching photography at a local school and after chatting a bit, they asked if I would mind showing my work to their students who were visiting the BPF for the day. I found myself giving an impromptu mini talk and then they asked for a photo of me with the students which felt like a funny surreal moment. It just goes to show photography connects people in more ways that you’d think! 😉
Here are a few phone snapshots from today. If you’re in the area, the BPF has some fantastic exhibits across town such as the one at King’s House (and you can find the full program here).
Oh, and if you’re not in Brighton but in Berlin this month, I’m also part of a projection at the Berlin Foto Biennale – but I won’t be able to attend. If you’re there, please send me photos! 🙂

Interview for Brighton Photo Fringe 2016
I am very honored to have been chosen by BPF16 Trainee Curator Jamila Browse to do an interview for the Brighton Photo Fringe 2016!
Jamila reached out to me as I am an OPEN16 SOLO Shortlist artist and the Locked-in series will be projected the whole month of October at the Phoenix Brighton. “Pulse” will also be at the BPF Outdoor Hub at St Peter’s Church, 4 feet tall and all – quite a dramatic change from its original size!
Jamila sent me some very interesting questions and I was thrilled – even more so when I found out I was allowed to answer in depth! Cause you know, I don’t mind talking 😉
Here’s the link to the interview!!
Photograph in SHOTS magazine
So I was just going through my mail from last week when I was at the C4FAP for the opening of Center Forward and I had a big envelop – my copy of SHOTS magazine, issue 133, “Still Life”. And I would probably have fallen off my chair reading it had my friend Amy Kanka Valadarsky not messaged me during the night to tell me about it – cause it features a new photograph of mine!
The photograph is tentatively called “I lost my mind” and is part of the exploratory work for my new series “Blood Line”. It’s not currently part of the body of work itself, at least not yet. It might evolve to be but I don’t want to give too much away yet of how/why – so for now let’s just agree that I don’t know! 🙂
It’s very unlike me to photograph a still life. VERY unlike me. But I’ve recently shot a few – felt almost an urge to do so. So I’m a little bit in shock to see it in SHOTS. And very grateful obviously!
Talk at the Open Show LA
When I heard I had been selected to give a 20min talk at the Open Show LA, I was thrilled. The Open Show would be held at the DNJ gallery at the Bergamot Station in Santa Monica where I currently have prints as part of the LACP members show. It’s a great exhibit curated by January Parkos Arnall and I had missed the opening because my dad got married the same day. So I now would have the opportunity to see it as well as talk about the Locked-in series – not to mention go to Los Angeles! When introducing me, the producers Richard S. Chow and Jonas Yip added that I held the record for “Biggest Commute” to come to the Open Show – I’ll have to see if that helps me cope when I crash on my return from the jet lag! 😉
It was a wonderful evening and I’m so happy to have been part of it! There were 5 other presenters who were absolutely great to listen to: Dotan Saguy (Cuba Changing), Amy Kanka Valadarsky (Between Here and Then), Cassandra Pavloukos (Bodies In Motion), Louis Kravitz (Kolkata morning) and Mae Koo (Shadow World). Everybody in the audience was amazing and it was great to have a chance to chat with everyone afterwards. All in all, a fantastic night!!