I’m very honoured to hear that Pulse was awarded a Honorable Mention in the Black & White 2016 of the New York Center For Photographic Art, jurored by Mark Sink!
Tributes to my father
It is with infinite sadness that I share the passing of my father, Jean-Luc Autin, who closed his eyes for the last time last week on November 22nd. He fought in his last year a courageous battle against a cancer that we always knew to be terminal.
I posted a public tribute to him on the day of his passing on my personal facebook page, I have spoken at his service on Monday, please forgive me as I do not find the strength to do it again here today. Suffice to say that we & I loved him, tremendously.
I want to thank once more all of you who have written me, comforted me and shown me affection. I hope you will know how much I appreciate it.
When we heard about the diagnosis just over a year ago, our lives changed. After a few months, I started a new conceptual body of work called Blood Line. It addresses how terminal illness changes both communication and identity. I am almost done with it, it will be released soon and I have recently shared a sneak peek. But a few weeks ago, I submitted the photo Fluff to two organisations that I love, the Center for Fine Art Photography (C4FAP) in Fort Collins, Colorado and Don’t Take Pictures. I guess I wanted to gauge first impressions.
I heard on Wednesday last week that Don’t Take Pictures was including Fluff in its Masks exhibit, which is on view till February 21st. It was the day after his passing. Yesterday I heard that Fluff will also be part of the Signature Image exhibit at the C4FAP, from March 3rd till April 1st. I am honored and humbled by both news.
I absolutely did not want to document my father’s cancer and I approached this work looking for more universal viewpoints. But I do not forget that it comes from an incredibly personal experience – that this works also stems from him, that it was made about and for him. It therefore feels like an incredible gift from the C4FAP and Don’t Take Pictures to see that Blood Line is already out there in the world thanks to them. They have given me an opportunity to honor my father’s memory this way as well and I am deeply grateful.

BPF OPEN16 SOLO Shortlist Showcase
I just returned from a day visit with the family to Brighton which hosts this month the Brighton Photo Fringe. As I had mentioned when I shared the interview I did for the BPF, I’m very honoured to be part of the OPEN16 SOLO Shortlist Showcase at the Brighton Phoenix and the Outdoor Hub along with 19 other artists.
While visiting the SOLO Shortlist, I asked two people if I could take their spot for a second to take a picture of the projection of my work on the wall. As it happens, Frankie and Ian are teaching photography at a local school and after chatting a bit, they asked if I would mind showing my work to their students who were visiting the BPF for the day. I found myself giving an impromptu mini talk and then they asked for a photo of me with the students which felt like a funny surreal moment. It just goes to show photography connects people in more ways that you’d think! 😉
Here are a few phone snapshots from today. If you’re in the area, the BPF has some fantastic exhibits across town such as the one at King’s House (and you can find the full program here).
Oh, and if you’re not in Brighton but in Berlin this month, I’m also part of a projection at the Berlin Foto Biennale – but I won’t be able to attend. If you’re there, please send me photos! 🙂

Center Forward at the C4FAP
My next post will be some new work, I promise! But in the mean time, I am seriously honored to be part of the “Center Forward 2016” exhibit at the Center for Fine Art Photography (C4FAP) in Fort Collins, Colorado that opened last week.
The show was curated by the Center’s executive director and curator Hamidah Glasgow as well as Aline Smithson, which made this all the more an humbling experience. The artists I met there are so incredible and I really recommend checking out their work in more detail! The opening coincided with that of Kris Grave‘s fascinating exhibit, Testament, in the North Gallery. In short, the C4FAP was packed and it was a great night!

If you’re in the area, the show runs till October 1st!
Griffin Museum – 22nd Juried Show Exhibit via Instagram
It’s so great to find “Pulse” today on the instagram feed of the Griffin Museum of Photography (Boston area)! It is part of the 22nd Juried Show Exhibit via Instagram, curated by Paula Tognarelli and Iaritza Menjivar. The Instagram show started yesterday and will go on till August 8th – if you’re not following them yet @GriffinMuseum, I highly recommend it, their feed is amazing! And in case you want to follow me, I’m @AnneLaureAutin 😉